RE: Earthforce Sourcebook is in!
From: "ROBERTSON,Brendan" <Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 10:33:58 +1000
Subject: RE: Earthforce Sourcebook is in!
The Earthforce Sourcebook is for use with "The Babylon Project" by
Chameleon Eclectic. It contains a Full Thrust based ship-to-ship combat
system & ship designs by Jon Tuffley (Ground Zero Games) that can be
used in conjunction with TBP's roleplaying system.
Most of us on the list want it for the B5 conversion so we can play full
blooded B5 battles (we currently use unofficial rulesets, but most of
them are very good!)
'Neath Southern Skies
Ortillery, rich man's artillery.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Scott B. Jaqua []
>Subject: Re: Earthforce Sourcebook is in!
>Ok, time to play catch-up for the new guy on the list. Correct me if I
>wrong, but I assume the Source book is for Babylon 5 Wars???.
>Also what is this about a FT/B5 rule set for sale. Who's ship do you
have to
>blowup to get a set, and how much. After all the trip from Calif. to
>ain't in the budget.
>Scott Jaqua