SV: SV: Of Sensors and Needles - Some Questions and Suggestions
From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@n...>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 03:07:06 +0100
Subject: SV: SV: Of Sensors and Needles - Some Questions and Suggestions
John wrote:
> > > Suggestion: Area ECM is -1 to scans and ship ECM is -2.
> > > This will give the ECM some value in the game.
> >
> > Since the ECM currently gives a -1D6 rather than -1 or -2, I'm not
> > sure your suggestion is an improvement...?
> >
> Taken out of the context of the passage I cannot help but agree.
> The formula is: 1D6 plus sensor modifier minus ECM modifier = result
> on the sensor table.
Yes. I understood that. The original formula in More Thrust is 1D6 (+2
Superior scanners) -1D6 for ECM = result on the sensor table. As I see
your version makes ECM far less powerful and basic sensors more capable
than before. I still don't see it as an improvement to the ECM... since
your formula generally gives higher results on the sensor table.
Oerjan Ohlson
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry