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Re: Bugs, Lt. Rico, millions of them!!

From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 15:59:14 -0800
Subject: Re: Bugs, Lt. Rico, millions of them!!

Michael Shoen wrote:
>	  I've just joined the mailing list so I may be somewhat behind
on current events. Is anyone working on adapting SGII or DSII to capture
the horrendous combat of the Starship Troopers movie? What would the
confidence level of a warrior bug be? Scr
atch building the bug models could be challenging. I would be very
grateful for any input. Thank you.
> "C'mon, you apes, you want to live forever?"

     Not to be excessively critical, but try to hit the big key
on the right hand side of the keyboard after about 50 letters.
(Normally labeled 'Enter' or 'Return'.)

     The confidence level of the average warrior bug is the maximum
number allowed by the rules squared.   The elite buga are naturally
much better than that. 
     Scratch building the warrior bugs is not only a challenge,
but it is eternal as well.

By for now,
John L.
(The preceding was transmitted for entertainment value only and 
should not be consdered to have any value to any person living 
or dead.)

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