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RE: Bio-Plasma

From: campbelr@d...
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 22:40:30 +0000
Subject: RE: Bio-Plasma

Good points all. The only other thing I remember about the article, 
(which I still can't find) is that it was a low tempeture plasma, but 
it did have the ability to be, (I could be very wrong, I only glanced 
at the article, scanned realy) "tuned" to only interact with certian 
other particles. Hence the "Plasma Car Wash". Bathe the car in the 
plasma stream and the only thing effected is the "dirt". Or that was 
the gist of the theory anyway.

"Creative Financing is the key to any venture. Right John?"
R. Hood (Ret.)

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