Prev: Re: jee-uu and BattleFleet Gothic (was Re: SV: Full Tilt?) Next: Wet Thrust for WW2

Re: Games, Schedules and the AoG flame war.

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 21:03:32 +0200 (EET)
Subject: Re: Games, Schedules and the AoG flame war.

On Tue, 28 Oct 1997, Kelvin wrote:

> have the rights to distribute the product in the US and Canada.  It is
> illegal to distribute the game outside of the US and Canada.	So any
> you have seen here in Oz are being sold illegally. 

Erm. This is a rather strong statement. The limitation on distribution
is based on a *contract* between AoG and whoever. That contract can not 
bind parties that have not signed it.

E.g. Pioneer USA does not ship laserdiscs to non-USA addresses because 
other Pioneer branches are supposed to handle other parts of the world 
(it's just that Pioneer Europe doesn't give a hoot about LDs :-(

Big Deal. I order from Ken Crane's Laserdisc.

To sum it up: If you want it now, contact a US dealer directly. Not AoG,

since they are bound by the contract they've made, but an independent 
third party vendor.

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	  | A pig who doesn't
+358 50 5596411 GSM +358 9 80926 78/FAX 81/Voice  | is just an ordinary
Maininkitie 8A8 02320 ESPOO FINLAND | Hate me?	  |	     - Porco
Rosso     | hateme.html |

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