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jee-uu and BattleFleet Gothic (was Re: SV: Full Tilt?)

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@C...>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 22:44:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: jee-uu and BattleFleet Gothic (was Re: SV: Full Tilt?)

Excerpts from FT: 31-Oct-97 SV: Full Tilt? by "Oerjan Ohlson" 
> Well... as for "what happened": nothing at all, so far :-) They've
> to the new white metal, but they'll still re-cast the old models if
> want them to. Some new Eldar ships (and Ork hulks <g>) would be nice,
> though...

Yeah, no kidding.  But the prices there for US customers were pretty
ridiculous when they were casting the things in lead ($10 per
battleship, pair of cruisers, or five escorts) so I don't want to know
the price in white metal.

But I was refering to the comment that they're using scratchbuilt models
for the playtesting... which indicates that the models *will* change,
which (IMO) stinks.

Excerpts from FT: 31-Oct-97 New Battlefleet Gothic? (wa.. by Ground Zero
>No of course they won't re-release the same old minis - then people
>be able to play with their existing collections, and not have to buy
>of new stuff...

Well, I don't think that many people *have* existing Space Fleet
collections, y'know?  And most of the one who do are Full Thrust
fanatics, from what I can see. ^_-

Personally, I just wish they'd re-release the minis, without bothering
with the game.	(Well, OK, I *am* kinda curious about the game.)  But
I'd probably pick up at least a dozen blisters at the drop of a hat....

>Sorry, am I being just a little bit cynical...?   ;)

Given Todd Wikel's comment, and my own feelings on the issue, you're not
the only one....

		    Aaron Teske 

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