Re: Flame wars (was RE: Win95/NT Ship Generation program?)
From: Tony Christney <acc@u...>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 16:21:31 -0800
Subject: Re: Flame wars (was RE: Win95/NT Ship Generation program?)
Status: RO
>PS as regards the list:
> System: Flame War Generator
> Mass: 1 Cost: 10
> When activated, the user of the system selects one enemy ship and
> rolls a die. The ship rolls a die in defense. If the attacker's
> roll is greater than the defender's roll, the two ships are now
> engaged in a communications "flame war". The crews are so busy
> trading insults that they are unable to perform their assigned
> tasks. Each ship immediately makes a threshold roll, the results of
> which are temporary, wearing off at the beginning of the next turn.
> Play continues as usual, but if the attacker chooses to attack the
> same ship again next turn, one is added to the attacking die roll.
> This process can continue, with one more point being added to the
> die roll every turn, until the attacker is assured of success. In
> this case, the threshold damage to each ship remains and accrues
> every turn. The FWG may be destroyed during a flame war. Unlike
> the other systems failures, which represent the inattention of the
> crew, failure of the FWG represents a ticked-off crew member
> smashing the device with a hammer. Once the device is damaged, the
> flame war is ended and all inactive systems will go back online next
> turn.
This is really funny! Thank you, I was just getting ready to leave until
things calmed down a bit. I just hope everyone realizes how silly this
all is.
Reminds me of kindergarten.