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Re: Aliens Action Fleet APC

From: Thomas.Granvold@E... (Tom Granvold)
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 17:48:51 -0700
Subject: Re: Aliens Action Fleet APC

> > Er, how  many of us out there really want some of these. If I could
> > them I'd get four! Seriously it is almost worth an approach to a
> > direct!?
> You can approach Galoob direct, but they only ship to the United
States, so
> if you have a friend in the US (hey, which I'm trying to find!) make
use of
> them! :)

   I'm in the US and am willing to help.  They could be shipped from
Galoob to me and I'd then ship them on to you.	How would you like to
set this up?  I can be contacted at the email address below.  Maybe we
could do this in both directions.  I would like to buy some of the
GZG miniatures that are not available in the US.

Tom Granvold			<>

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