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RE: BIG fleets.

From: "ROBERTSON,Brendan" <Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 21:40:09 -0400
Subject: RE: BIG fleets.

One way to resolve this sort of action would be to use a modified
sqadron system.  _Masters of Orion_ by Origin Systems resolves this by
having all ships of the same type move and shoot as one large unit.  The
fire is resolve with 1 gun killing a maximum of 1 ship regardless of
damage potential.

Following this on to massive scale combat for FT, have ships of the same
type massed into squadrons (amounts organised by players) & use a marker
to denote numbers.  Missiles & fighters are arranged in squadrons of the
same type. Antimissile/fighter fire is abstracted a little with *DAF
fire being resolved as from one ship (ie. a design with 4 PDAFs rolls 4
die. Each _kill_ will destroy an amount of fighters/missiles equal to
the number of ships in the squadron.)

	When resolving ship-to-ship fire, roll for damage as normal
(lots of
dice!!!) & apply against the target squadron.  Divide the total damage
scored into the damage point of the target (1 ship) & this is the number
of ships destroyed.  However, the maximum that can be killed is equal to
the number of firecons used against the target squadron. (eg. cruisers
kill a maximum of 2 targets per ship.)	Split fire against 2 or 3
separate squadrons can be used, but this reduces the number of available
firecons as normal.

	The only problem with this system is there is no room for
checks due to sheer numbers, a minor drawback, but an important one.

(w) Brendan.Robertson @
'Neath Southern Skies
Am I not destroying my enemies, when I make
friends of them?   - Abraham Lincoln 

>-----Original Message-----
>Now LoGH fleets are BIG and are made up of hundreds 
>or even thousands of individual ships.
>The question is how to simulate this in FT.
>How about buying hundreds or thousands of ships, and using
>a REALLY *BIG* table? :)

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