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Re: FTL Sytems-Game Implications...

From: "Chris McCurry" <CMCCURR@v...>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 18:19:29 -0400
Subject: Re: FTL Sytems-Game Implications...

>>Warp Drive
>>Mass: 20%
>>Cost Hullx3
>>Speed doubles every round till player off board.
>>May be intercepted by other warp driven vessels in strategic games.
>>Moves Thrust value in strategic hexes per strategic turn.
>>Fold Drive
>>Cost: Hullx2.5
>>Ship folds space around it. Any units within 6" are folded as well.
>>Number of ships in fold envelope may not exceed mass of folding ship.
>>If so, each ship takes 2d6 damage and fold fails.
>>May not be intercepted in strategic game. Moves 4 strategic hexes.
I like this...

I tried something like it once when i was working on a Robotech flavor

did the same sort of thing for shields and shield types

I will have to think about the drive systems think a bit before I'm sure
how I (only me) think they should work.


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