Re: Obscenities...
From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 14:26:32 -0400
Subject: Re: Obscenities...
Chris McCurry writes:
@:) Joachim Heck writes:
@:) >> .... reread Armor and I was shocked and amazed by the amount of
@:) >>profanity in the book. Every imaginable obscenity was uttered
@:) >>by these characters who are supposed to be role models and
@:) >>"defenders of the universe". If it's a universe as filled with
@:) >>obscenities as that, it's not worth defending.
@:) I think people are being a little to judgmental.. obscenities,
@:) curse words what ever you want to call them are a part of our
@:) every day lives and if some one uses them it does not make them a
@:) stupid or horrible person... because we all have different back
@:) grounds and different beliefs it's understandable that we will not
@:) all agree about what is good and what is bad.. (for example over
@:) population is bad get rid of some of the people)
I was shocked and amazed by the amount of people in Armor. Every
imaginable planet was filled by human cities. If it's a universe as
filled with overpopulation as that, it's not worth defending.
PS I was shocked and amazed by the dearth of smilies in my email.
Every imaginable statement was sarcastic and smiley-free. If it's an
email as smileyless as that, it's not worth defending.