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Re: [OFFICIAL] Where we're going from here...[SG & DS Supplement

From: Jonathan Davis <davis@a...>
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 13:33:12 -0400
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Where we're going from here...[SG & DS Supplement wrote:
> I thought More Thrust (in some cases :)) added too much to Full
Thrust.  Oh
> sure, I don't have to use any of the new toys but every rug rat in PDX
> insists on using missiles and cloaking devices and doesn't want to
play the
> quick and fun core rules anymore.

You're correct about the cloak and other aspects of MT.  I enjoy the 
additional sensors and EW rules.  The addition of missiles changed
the game dramatically and PDAFs and ADAFs should have been given better
odds of killing them.  Although I'm not using it in my PBeM games, 
I'd prefer a 5+ for a missile kill as a house rule.

Jon Davis

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