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My new weapon systems

From: "R. Souza" <nodui@w...>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 21:41:52 -0400
Subject: My new weapon systems

Some more fiendish ideas from WAShU Labs for the ultimate in
mega-destructive firepower.....

Jon Souza


	When only destroying a small galaxy will do, it's time to mount
a Dimetional Cannon on your ship!  Capable of VAPORIZING anything
smaller than a star system, the Dimentional Cannon is a rare device that
costs a lot, but does terrifying amounts of damage.

	Dimentional Cannons are mounted facing FORWARD, and can only be
fired from the 11 to 1 degree arcs of the ship.  The symbol for a
Dimentional Cannon is-

	When fired, everything within 3" of the aiming point is
destroyed, utterly.  Nothing can withstand the impact of a Dimentional
Cannon.  On the edge of the 3" circle, 30d6 damage is rolled.  For every
inch from the 3" circle, 3 dice are removed(conceably, the weapon has a
lethal range of 13").  The weapon has a firing range of 100".

	To be fired, all screens are dropped and thrust is reduced in
half.  Once fired, the weapon has to be recharged-six dice are rolled
every turn.  When the total of 40 is rolled, the weapon can be fired
again.	Dimentional Cannons have a MASS of 30, and a Cost of 500.


	A graviton gun is a modified mass driver, firing off small
stasis modules holding micro-quantum black holes.  When the round hits,
the stasis module breaks off and the stress from a black hole tears into
a target.

	Graviton guns are mounted along the ship's spine, and
Cruiser-sized ships can only carry one, while Captial-sized ships can
mount two.  They are fired along the 12 o'clock axis(a line can be drawn
through the ship's nose to the target, it can hit).  When fired, one D6
is rolled.  On a four or more, the target is hit at ranges of 12" or
less.  At 24" to 13", a five or more is needed.  At 36" to 25", a six is

	When the target is hit, the shooting player takes out a number
of D6s equal to the target's damage tracks.  All the dice are rolled
simultaniously, and only 1's and 6's are counted.  When a 1 is rolled,
the ship loses one point of damage, and a 6 destroys one system at the
targeted player's choice.   All screens reduce the damage by once dice
per screen, and each level of armor modifies the damage roles to their
nearest average number(2 to 3 becomes a 1, 4 to 5 becomes a 6).

	A graviton gun has 20 MASS and 30 Cost.

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