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Re: Hammer's Slammers

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 02:57:53 -0400
Subject: Re: Hammer's Slammers

On Tue, 19 Aug 1997, Christopher Weuve wrote:

> BTW, I think it was _Rolling Hot_, which, IIRC, is also the book where
> green crew accidently fires the anti-tank smart artillery shell at
their own 
> tanks...

Yes, or actually they accidentally fired an AT shell that wasn't quite 
smart enough... i.e. they didn't aim for the friendly, but the shell 
picked it up. I don't recall why IFF or similar didn't work.

Rolling Hot is also one of the few stories where combat cars go against 
"real" armored vehicles (and win). 

It's actually a bit funny. Slammers is all about panzers, right? Well,
you look at it, the majority of the stories actually concern infantry or

combat cars. 

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	  | A pig who doesn't
+358 50 5596411 GSM +358 9 80926 78/FAX 81/Voice  | is just an ordinary
Maininkitie 8A8 02320 ESPOO FINLAND | Hate me?	  |	     - Porco
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