Drake's The Tank Lords (was Re: 121st Marine Reaction Co.)
From: "Christopher Weuve" <caw@w...>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 14:46:52 -0400
Subject: Drake's The Tank Lords (was Re: 121st Marine Reaction Co.)
On Aug 18, 1997 at 10:29:13 PM, "John Kinder" wrote:
> I was in a Waldenbooks today and saw what looked like a new David
> book. On closer examination it is a volume with the novel "Rolling
> the original short story "Under the Hammer", two or three other short
> stories, and the backround material on the universe of the Slammers,
> Drake's experiences in Vietnam, and the TO+E of the regiment. I don't
> know if "Hammers Slammers" is out of print, but this book would be a
> intoduction to the series. It is published by Baen Books and is titled
> "The Tank Lords". Sorry I didn't write the ISBN.
Is it the novel _Rolling Hot_, or a short story by the same name? My
at home, but I didn;t think they were the same. Of course, I could be
Drake's books can sometimes be confusing, because there is a lot of
dipping. For example, first we had collection of short-stories and
interludes called _Hammer's Slammers_. Then the short story "The Tank
was published, in Pournelle's _There Will Be War_ series, IIRC. The
_HS_ was
reissued with "The Tank Lords" added to it. Now there is a new book,
Tank Lords_, which not only includes "The Tank Lords" AND the interludes
the original _HS_, but it also incliudes "Rolling Hot", which may or may
be the sum contents of _Rolling Hot_, which I'm now beginning to think
may not
have been a novel but a collection of three novellas or so, one of which
have been called "Rolling Hot". [For extra credit, diagram the above
sentence. <grin>]
Anyone else having trouble keeping score?
--Chris Weuve [My opinion, not my employers.]
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