Re: Will GZG be at Euro Gencon?
From: Samuel Penn <sam@b...>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 13:42:43 -0400
Subject: Re: Will GZG be at Euro Gencon?
In message <> (Ground Zero Games) wrote:
> >Jon,
> >Will GZG be at Euro GenCon in Loughborough next week?
> >
> >Regards...........
> Yes, we'll be there from Thursday morning!
Excellent! The next obvious question is who else from
this list will be there? Since Roger asked, I presume
he is, and I will be.
I'll also have my NSL fleet along, and probably my
Savasku as well. A friend's taking up some of his NAC,
so there's going to be a couple of us looking for a
fight... :)
Be seeing you,