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Re: DS Universe question

From: Joe Banderet <bigjoe@a...>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 20:02:00 -0400
Subject: Re: DS Universe question

Is the NAC a monarchy?

Ground Zero Games wrote:

> >All the talk about the 'Hammer's Slammers' universe has reminded me
> of a
> >question that has plagued the gamers in my area about the 'Dirt Side
> II'
> >universe for quite a while.	Everyone hang on.  Since the NAC is
> >basically the British Empire and the United States is basically in
> their
> >domain, are "American" ships referred to as U.S.S. or H.M.S.?  Just
> >curious.
> We've always referred to them (in FT) as C.N.S. (Confederation Navy
> Ship).
> Jon (GZG)

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