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Re: Detachments & actions in SG2 (attn jon)

From: Stuart Murray <smurray@a...>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 15:18:33 -0400
Subject: Re: Detachments & actions in SG2 (attn jon)

>(I believe it is current real world practice for the squad leader to
>stay with the fire suppport section not the assault section. Any
>infantrymen out there care to confirm or refute this?)

I used to be a Volunteer Reservist in an infantry company as a GPMP
What we did for assaults was to divide the section into the gunner and
lance-corporal (sec. 2ic) and the rifle team with the corporal.  The
would lay down cover fire on a designated target until the rifle teams
close enough (the 2ic would indicate when, sometimes !), the gunner
then switch to a secondary target until told to stop.  The gunner and
would then rejoin the section during the reorg.  This would be difficult
SG II so what I do is split the section leader with the gunner,  the
section 2ic then leads the assault.

>Activation Two.
>Fire support section fires. (1 action)
>Squad leader activates assault element. (1 action)
>Assault element now has two actions with which to close assault.

Just like that

>If you want to speed the entire process up, then get a higher officer
>to reactivate the unit, so that both activations occur in the same
>The only problem is that the enemy get at least one  activation in
>beteeen your two.
>Is it possible for a Lieutenant to use both his actions to reactivate
>the same squad. The rules imply not (they say you can activate two
>squads with your two actions) but do not explicitly state that you
>can't (they don't say that the two squads can not be the same).
>If this allowed then you can do it one activation, the lieutenat's
>rather than the squad's.

When conducting an assault that must work I have occasionally activated
same section twice with the C/O's leadership actions.  The rules (as far
I can tell) do not forbid this, however, this has to be balanced against
fully activating the command section or reactivating another section.


Stuart Murray

Department Of Molecular Genetics
Albert Einstein College Of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
New York 10461

Tel: (718) 430 4289

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