RE: Starship Troopers & Armour
From: Randy Campbell <campbelr@p...>
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 1997 02:36:35 -0400
Subject: RE: Starship Troopers & Armour
Robbie Matthews[] said:
>There was an (admittedly off-topic) thread here a little while ago
>Starship Troopers the Movie, and comments about another book by John
>Steakley called "Armour"
The comments were directed towards, the movie. "Starship Troopers" the
Movie, should have been named "Armour" as it is accuretly discriibed by
the comments you made about the book, "Armour". It would seem to have
little to do with the Hienlein book, it is supposedly named for. By both
the comic and pre-movie publicity seem to bear this out.
All the mentioned books are great military SF, and we could also include
"Hammers Slammers" in the list too.