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RE: DSII: Special Vehicle Packs & Multiple APWSs

From: Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 19:46:06 -0400
Subject: RE: DSII: Special Vehicle Packs & Multiple APWSs

APSWs & DFFGs are two entirely different systems.
When firing at infantry, there is no _to hit_ roll, you just draw the
chits (see ~pg 20?), the only problem is you can only fire at the ONE
target with ALL weapons of the same type (unless you have multiple
You draw chits once for each barrel of the weapon system, using
appropriate validities, either INFANTRY ASSAULT or DIRECT FIRE WEAPONS
AT INFANTRY TARGETS, whichever is appropriate for the situation. 
Against vehicles, you roll once for each weapon of the same type and
only draw chits for each individual hit.  (ie. 3 x DFFG/3, sup firecon,
close range; roll 3d12, drawing 3 chits for each hit, counting double)
Other than this, read your rulebook again.

(w) Brendan.Robertson @
'Neath Southern Skies
The Oceanic Union lives!

>-----Original Message-----
>>2) 1 weapon system includes all systems of that type, so a size 4 
>>vehicle with 5 APSWs (Including the _free_ one) & nothing else would 
>>attack infantry 5 times. A little overkill, but would make sure of 
>>taking out powerarmoured infantry stands.
>>'Neath Southern skies
>So what you're saying is that if I have a class-5 vehicle with 5
>DFFG/2s, they can all fire at once?  Or are you assuming that the
>have to be linked?  By "attack the infantry 5 times", do you mean roll
once &
>draw 5 sets of chits (multi-barreled), or roll 5 times  & draw once for
>separate weapons)?

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