RE: Convention FT Demo games
From: Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 1997 23:41:21 -0400
Subject: RE: Convention FT Demo games
Just out of interest, would it be possible for someone from this demo
game to write a very brief outline of forces & the battle? It seems
like it was a very interesting game.
(w) Brendan.Robertson @
(h) Denian @
'Neath Southern Skies
The Oceanic Union lives!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>Subject: Re: Convention FT Demo games (was: RE: Mini Figs Tip;
>>> >Oh come on Mark, you have wonderfull Pulse Torp aim, as long as
>>> >aiming about 2 inches to the right of the enemy ships. :)
>>> Waaaaitaminute here!! You thought I was firing AT your ships?!?
>>Oh? What were you shooting at then? Asteroids?
>Hey, man! You weren't *there*! You didn't *see*!! Them asteroids nearly
>took Matt out! Came outta nowhere, they did! Just shimmered into
>>> (c'mon, where're my Terran allies?? I'm dyin' out here!!)
>>Well, it is more or less a repeat of what happened out *there*.... ^_^
>And next time we get naaaasty....