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Re: DSII: Firer Down Chit for Infantry Question

From: Alexander Williams <thantos@d...>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 14:58:30 -0400
Subject: Re: DSII: Firer Down Chit for Infantry Question

Nils A Hedglin wrote:
> I asked this question last week, but only got 1 response, & I'm not
> sure he understood my question.  What happens when an infantry stand
> with a heavy weapon (GMS/L or LAD) gets a Firer system chit?	Can the
> stand still fire?  Since the "system" that's down in implied to be the
> vehicle electronics, how does this translate to Infantry?

"Oh, geez, I knocked the transducer out of line; give me a few minutes
to get it back together, guys."

"Damnit!  The Stinger's got a short.  Must have been the swamp back
there ... give it a little, it'll dry out."

"What the ... ?  Oh, guys, get in position, the IAVR's jammed!"

Basically, something's broke and, given some time, it might be able to
be fixed.

[  Alexander Williams {}  ]
[ Alexandrvs Vrai,  Prefect 8,000,000th Experimental Strike Legion ]
[	     BELLATORES INQVIETI --- Restless Warriors		   ]
 "Religiones antiquae et arma ridiculae non comparant cum bono telo
 eruptionis igneae latero te, puer." ["Ancient religions and hokey
    weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid"]
						    --- Hanno Solare

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