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Legendary Captains

From: Brendan Robertson <denian@s...>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 01:10:21 -0400
Subject: Legendary Captains

I've been thinking about possible rules for legendary captains or
upgrading a ship's captain.  (Original idea from Indy's B5 rules page).
The following is the basic workings.  Any comments appreciated.

LEGENDARY CAPTAIN    25pts + 25pts/ability
 - Maximum of 1 captain per 1000pts or fleet.
 - Use of abilities must be noted in the orders for that turn.
 - All captains get +2 on ramming attempts IF his ship is on it's last
damage row.
 - Only one ability can be used per turn.
 - Threshold checks are made as if the current damage row was filled.

Suicidal - The captain may attempt to ram at any time at +2.  If he
fails the ram attempt, his crew mutinies on a failed threshold check
(captain is killed).
Tactician - Once per battle, the captain can maneuver his vessel after
all others WITHOUT requiring written movement orders for that turn.
Engineer - All power is redirected to the engines (no firing).	The ship
doubles it's thrust for that turn only BUT must make 2 threshold checks
for the N-Space Drives immediately after movement.
Master Gunner - All power is redirected to the guns (no thrust).  All
beam batteries add +1 die this turn only. (ie. B-bat rolls 3 die, C-bat
rolls 2 die). Roll guns separately, on ANY double, that gun is destoyed
as if it had failed a threshold check.
Defender - All power is redirected to the screens (no firing).	NB: this
has no effect if the ship has no available screens.  The screens
increase by one level for the turn. If they become Screen-4, then treat
as a Reflex field with NO DAMAGE being reflected at the firer.	All
screens must make a threshold check at the end of the turn.

Brendan R.
'Neath Southern Skies

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