FT-Carrier after market add-ons..
From: "Mike Wikan" <mww@n...>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 05:38:38 -0400
Subject: FT-Carrier after market add-ons..
Here are some systems we are experimenting with:
Electromagnetic Catapults
Allows 1 squadron to be kept at ready status even upon FTL entry.
gives launched squadrons 6" movement bonus on launch turn. allows
carrier to launch 1 more squadron than normal. denoted by a box
surrounding the fighter bays with an arrow pointing forward.
Combat Rearmament bays
Allows 1 squadron per round to be rearmed/refuelled and prepped for
launch. Takes one complete round. Denoted by a box with 3 Vs pointing
Fighter Disposable booster packs
Cost: 1/2 of squadron cost. single use
Doubles fighter speed for one round.
Fighter Submunition Racks
fits one squadron with short range missile pods. they may attack when
within 9" of a target exactly as submunition loads rolling one die
per fighter in squadron. 1-3=no effect, 4-5=1 pt, 6=2 pts.
Once fired they are expended until fighter group is rearmed (and each
set of reloads must be payed for separately and must be denoted in
the carrier's loadout) these are standoff munitions designed to allow
fighters to engage capital ships without entering it's point defense
envelope. If the target ship wishes, it may attempt to intercept some
of the incoming swarm of missiles with point defenses. Each PDAF (not
c-batt) or ADAF which tries to intercept reduces the number of dice
rolled by the attacking squadron by one.
Criticism/ commentary welcome....
Mike Wikan
Game Design\Conceptual Art
n-Space, Inc.
A Producer of 3D Entertainment Software