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Re: AI in FT (was Re: Be gentle...)

From: campbelr@p...
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 16:17:52 -0400
Subject: Re: AI in FT (was Re: Be gentle...)

Allan: Just FYI, the C-5b is (supposedly, I had a freeiind who worked 
on them and told me about it) ablee to take-off, fly to a destination 
and land, all by itself. If "the war" had ever happened, pilots were 
suppposed to be re-assinged and one in 5 C-5's would fly manned, the 
rest would fly a race track mission profile between Europe and the 
states. Back up control was supposed to be from a specially modified 
F-15 in the escort.
I have haad the story backed up by talking to a C-5 crew that they 
could take off, fly and land, but the rest I heard later. So I 
couldn't ask about that.

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