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HH Ideas for FT

From: ChanFaunce@a...
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 05:30:49 -0400
Subject: HH Ideas for FT

1. HH ship weapons are, mostly, broadside because of the constraints to
design. This would mean installing batteries with only one firing arc.

2. Make Chase Armament only usable in the front or rear 60 degrees. (I'd
to say 30 degrees, but would the be from 11:30 to 12:30 for forward. Not
easy to get accurate bearings trying to split the hour marks on mini
Broadsides fire through 120 degrees port or starboard.

3. Chase Armament shoud be limited in numbers. a Heavy Cruiser (HMS
Nike) has
only _ Grasers, _ Lasers, and _ Torp Tubes Chase, but has _ Grasers, _
Lasers, and _ Torp Tubes Broadside.

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