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Re: Couple of Questions

From: She stands on things I can't understand <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 09:57:05 -0400
Subject: Re: Couple of Questions

(almost done catching up on my backlog of mail...)

>> Here's a couple of questions that came up in a recent (just tonight)
>> game
>> that I wanted to bounce off of everybody.
>I played a game where i was the recipiant of massed missle fire, and
>they are nasty (I feel that missile defence is really poor in FT, and
>since they ignore fields,thay are dangerous. They are the killer apps

I agree with you about the missile defences. A couple of us were fussing
with missiles a while back (okay...last year) and we decided missiles
were *nasty* (partly from being so difficult to stop). We thought that
allowing *DAFs a basic 50% chance to knock out a given missile balanced
things much better.

We haven't pursued this thought any further, though.  :-/

Daune: "How can you be asleep and getting ready at the same time?"

Indy: "I'm multi-tasking..."

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