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Re: Just wondering.....

From: J.Stephensen@f... (Jason Stephensen)
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 00:17:21 -0400
Subject: Re: Just wondering.....

>Do yall only talk about figurines, or is it just me; just wondering.  I

>guess you leave the gameplay to some other website or something, but
I'll ask 
>what are probably old questions;  couldn't find any helpful FT

People will tend to chat about what they find most interetsing in a mail
group. people like to chat about minnies, they will. If you want advice
sure there are enough people out there to answer questions about

>Why are the Kra'Vak so damned powerful?  We played a little Two on One
>with the USes using 1200 points apiece and the THEMs using 2000; we got
>BUTTS kicked!	Do they have ANY weakness????  Speaking of which, how
>Pulse Torpedoes affect Kra'Vak armour in terms of damage sustained?

In our gaming group we adjust the heck out of the Kra'Vak, and we find
much better to play against. We changed the scatterpacks to take away
effectiveness against both fighters and ships. Six of them do serious
to capital ships for way too little cost.

>Also was wondering when an attacked ship should roll threshold checks; 
>immediately when crossed (ie: attacker is rolling five dice, first dice

>causes defender to cross threshold, attacker continue to rolls AFTER
>checks thresholds) or after the attack is done.  Can make a big
>especially when dealing with shielded ships....

We've always done it after all the fire done. So the screens aren't
out with the first volley, making the following shots easier. 

>Jon, I have a thought for you.  It always seems like whenever humans 
>encounter aliens, they're always bigger, stronger, and more deadlier
than us. 
> How about....
>..... "Captain, picking up alien vessel.  It is firing."
>"Brace for impact!"   ::plink!  plink!::
>"Damage, O'Brien?"
>"Sir, we have sustained no damage.  As best as I can tell, their
>just shattered off our hull."
>"Sir, best I can tell, the projectiles were nothing more than small, 
>snowball-like shots."
>"Very well, open fire."
>:::alien ship vaporizes:::
>"What happened?"
>"Sensors indicate the alien vessel was made of frozen water; they
didn't have 
>a chance, sir."
>Anyway, you get the picture....

That's just silly. Of course all aliens are in some way superior....
Anyway according to more thrust the Kra'vak aren't greatly more advanced
then we are....and every battle with unchanged rules is always close
bewtween even human and Kra'vak fleets. ;-)

Just another point on the superior alien point. In Kryomek humans found
numerous aliens, even sentients that were not as advanced as they were.
just killed them. It wasn't until the Kryomek turned up that they found
		 Colonel Abrahms, 22nd NU-Atol Regiment
		 Rekartot Redbacks Senior Coach
		   "He dosen't know what he wants.
			 He's Insane"

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