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Re: Grav Bikes

From: mechavar@a... (Miguel Echavarria)
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 19:53:20 -0400
Subject: Re: Grav Bikes

> Owen,
>	I use Imperial Speeder Bikes for Both DirtSide II and Star
>   They are size one vehicles of 3 Capacity.  They carry one DFFG 1 and
one APSW.
>   They have no armor.  I usually represent them with a single Bike
from Lewis
>  Galoobs figures and a die 6 to represent the number of bikes in the
>   They have been very effective.  Their small size makes them
difficult to
>  hit and their speed as grav vehicles makes them deadly to armor units
>  close with.	However, they are vulnerable to artillery and SLAMs.
>	Phil P.
	Since they have no armor, wouldn't they be susceptible to damage
APSW and infantry small arms fire?

Miguel Echavarria

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