Re: Conversions (Stargrunt)
From: Alexander Williams <thantos@d...>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 13:54:35 -0400
Subject: Re: Conversions (Stargrunt)
Alfredo Lorente wrote:
> The Excalibur has two huge cannons for arms, two sets of 22 or 24
> missiles each on its torso, a weapon pod underneath each missile rack
> (SAW, Grenade Launcher and flamer), and a six missile rack on its
> right shoulder. I figured the robot would therefore have two GMS/L
> (4), one GMS/H (4), six Infantry Support Weapons (5 points, since the
> first one is free), and two DFFG (15 each, since they can move around
> as is in a turret). That adds up to 43 points, which is 18 points
> over the maximum. If I assume the DFFG are fixed mounts and it is
> the ARMS that move, the rating goes down to 33. To make the numbers
> match I have to reduce the DFFG's to 3 and assume they are in a fixed
> mount. Some people might think the torso is a turret, tho', and I
> kinda guess you'd plop the biggest gun available on such a monster,
> not some middle of the road affair...
You're overkilling. Check the DSII construction rules for walker
vehicles; they take Fixed Forward weapon space cost and get partial
rotate (front 180o) for free. That said, you're interpreting the design
/too/ literally to construct it properly.
The Excalibur, taken as a SIZE 5 vehicle, has 25 spaces (and a signature
of a SIZE 6). I'd give it ARMOUR of 3, since Destroids blow up so
crunchy-like. The cannons don't really qualify as DFFGs, I'd give it
gang-mounted HKP/4s (in the arms) with ENHANCED FC. The rate of missile
fire it lays down doesn't really qualify it for multiple missile
launchers (since a single GMS shot could very well represent an entire
volly from either of the missile racks (indistinguishable because
DSII/SGII doesn't have individually targetable weapon systems for
damage), so would just give it a single GMS/H instead. The multiple
pods are probably worth 2x APSW mounts, reasonably cheap.
Given this layout (and Andy's handy online design system), we end up
Equipment Item VSP : BVP Spaces Cost
Vehicle, class 5 25 : 0 25 25
Armor class 3 25 : 40 25 40
Fusion Generation Plant 25 : 40 25 64
Combat Walker 25 : 40 25 104
2 class 4 HKP's in Fixed mount 25 : 40 9 184
with Enhanced fire control 25 : 40 9 200
1 GMS/H with Basic guidance 25 : 40 5 230
2 APSW's 25 : 40 4 234
... which would seem to mirror things a bit more /and/ fit inside the
rules without so much stretching.
> Am I obsessing? If I showed up at your place with my set-up, would
> you accept it as valid, even though the math is totally screwed up?
> Any home rules on how to deal with Combat Walkers?
Don't need them, see above.
> (To keep the message short, the same problems arise with the Raidar X
> - two Laser Cannons on each arm, plus two missile packs on the
> shoulders - the math doesn't match the model...)
Given similar design specs, try this:
Equipment Item VSP : BVP Spaces Cost
Vehicle, class 5 25 : 0 25 25
Armor class 3 25 : 40 25 40
Fusion Generation Plant 25 : 40 25 64
Combat Walker 25 : 40 25 104
2 class 4 HEL's in Fixed mount 25 : 40 9 200
with Enhanced fire control 25 : 40 9 216
2 GMS/L's with Basic guidance 25 : 40 5 256
Local air defence 25 : 40 3 331
I gave it LAD to represent its air-defence capabilities and twin-GMS's
to represent the somewhat greater reliance on missile attacks that the
Raidar-X has as a backup weapon; if you use house rules on missiles
engaging airborne targets, its a frightening powerhouse for air-defense
and is a danger at long-range to any vehicular targets it can spot. Its
horribly huge signature is a nasty drawback, though. It has /no/ APSW,
notice; you'll want to deploy it with organic infantry or anti-infy
[ Alexander Williams {} ]
[ Alexandrvs Vrai, Prefect 8,000,000th Experimental Strike Legion ]
[ BELLATORES INQVIETI --- Restless Warriors ]
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weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid"]
--- Hanno Solare