Smart Weapons and Anti-PA weapons In SG II
From: Stuart Murray <smurray@a...>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 17:18:14 -0400
Subject: Smart Weapons and Anti-PA weapons In SG II
I'm in an 'Aliens' and 'Appleseed' mode at the moment as I'm inspired
by the Aliens vehicles and finally getting my hands on Appleseed vols
(at last !).
I am interested in using my Grenadier Future Warriors as USCMC in SG II.
The one thing I'm lacking is rules for 'smart' weaponry. Here are some
ideas i've been bouncing roung:
'Smart' Gun,
Gyro mount infantry support weapon, (Idon't need to describe it you've
probably all seen the film !)
I'm using it as a Gauss machine gun (FP D10 I D12, I don't have my rule
book with me so this is from memory only). Smart system Advanced (D10)
Smart Systems:
Samrt sytems may be of any calibre,
Basic (D8)
Advanced (D10)
Superior (D12)
[or if into alien tech, hyper advanced (D20, or 2xD10)]
Targetting with a smart weapon:
Instead of using the operators quality dice use the smart system die (so
my example a regular trooper would throw a D10 system and a D10 FP.
I think since the operator should have some influence on how well the
weapon works a modifier should be adopted for the quality of the
Untrained (how did they get a smart gun !) treat target 2 range bands
furthur away, cannot target through smoke.
Green treat target one range band closer, cannot target through smoke.
Regular treat target two range band closer, target one band shift up to
target through smoke.
Veteren treat two range bands closer, ignore smoke.
Elite, as Veteren (heck, these troops are good enough !).
EW Against 'Smart' Sytems
EW troopers cannot spoof smart systems. The only counter measures
are personal. For example, a PA trooper has basic ECM (D8) built into
suit. When a smart system fires on a target with personal ECM first
the system die against the target ECM die (in the example D10 vs D8).
the smart system beats the ECM then roll the FP and the targets range
(make sure you remember the system die result), go through fire
as normal. If the smart system fails to beat the ECM die the smart
can be fired as a normal support weapon (firer's quailty die etc.).
This makes smart systems useful but not too powerful (more like adding a
bit more character to a unit).
Remote Smart Weapons
Fire just as the presonal weapon, except,
A remote system will target the nearest non-IFF identified target (there
no choosing targets now !). When firing on ECM equipped targets if the
system roll fails then the weapon will not fire (it has no operator).
Smart remote weapons may be directed by a sniper (as Colonial Marines
Handbook) using the PARGET system. The sniper makes a communication
with the weapons system (the sniper must roll over a 2 on a quailty
this roll may be spoofed by ECM as usual. If the sniper is succesful
the auto weapons may begin targetting at the sniper's discression. NOTE
the sniper may only direct the weapons to targets the sniper can see, if
targets cannot be seen the sniper can allow the weapon to auto-fire as
normal. Each turn thesniper wishes to control the weapons the sniper
roll for control, it is not automatic from turn to turn. Note the
CANNOT shoot while controlling remote weapons, the sniper is using the
scope on the weapon to direct the guns.
The next thing I'm thinking of is anti-PA smart submunitions (as seen in
Smart Anti-PA/Cyborg sub-munitions (SAPCSM)
These are fired from a grenade launcher. If troops have dedicated GLs
secondary GLs then they can fire these munitions, if not, tough :).
with SAPCSMs are determined before the game starts, I would guess that
elites/vets/PA troops would get these weapons.
A squad may fire SAPCSM only as a special action, a squad may not fire
twice in the same game turn if firing SAPCSMs (that is once activated
fired that is it ,the squad cannot fire again if activated using command
As for smart weapons, roll separately for each firers system quality
a target's ECM (D4 if no dedicated ECM, these are deadly munitions). If
SAPCSM die fails the SAPCSM miss the target. If the system die are
then I D8x2 for each hit.
Note these munitions are specific to Cyborgs/PA, NOT vehicles.
Smart Anti-PA/Cyborg missiles (SAPCM)
The big brother of the SPACSM. These are fired only from GMS/L weapons.
Each SAPCM is loaded separately as a GMS, the number of SAPCM are
determined before the game.
Exactly as a SAPCSM, except if the die roll fails the SAPCM does not
(the weapon is not wasted). Impact for SAPCM are higher than SAPCSM, I
D12x2. SAPCM may NOT be used against vehicles.
[SAPCM are really intended to be used against the 'Landmate' style heavy
armour/infantry walker rather than light PA]
A couple of ideas to think about, what do you all reckon ?
Stuart Murray
Department Of Molecular Genetics
Albert Einstein College Of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
New York 10461
Tel: (718) 430 4289