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RE: encap2.ond

From: Rick Rutherford <rickr@s...>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 18:43:28 -0400
Subject: RE: encap2.ond

Hi there,

This is for the guy who's sending this 101K attatchment around, and
else who's interested in the configuration of his mail server:

Here are some of the human-readable parts of the file; I didn't decode
any of the binary data. Show this to your mail server administrator, and
tell them that they're sending their ENTIRE CONFIGURATION FILE along
every single e-mail message that gets sent.

I'm surprised their site hasn't been hacked yet...

Rick Rutherford ----- ----- The above opinions are mine.
"I've seen collisions on fire off the side of the ethernet LAN. 
I've seen the lights on the CSU/DSU glitter in the dark near the router.

All these things will be lost in time, like dropped packets. Time to

********************<first section of text>********************

Encapsulated Note c:\temp\ENCAP2.OND


CN=Catherine Duffy/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus

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++LotusScript Devel opment Environment:2:5:(Options):0:74
Option Public
Use "EmailProcessing"

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:2
Reply'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Options):0:66

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1
Declare Sub Postopen(Source As Notesuidocument)
Declare Sub Querysave(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
Declare Sub Queryclose(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
Declare Sub Postmodechange(Source As Notesuidocument)

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:2

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:BindEvents:1:129
Private Sub BindEvents(Byval Objectname_ As String)
     Static Source As NOTESUIDOCUMENT
     Set Source = Bind(Objectname_)
     On Event Postopen From Source Call Postopen
     On Event Querysave From Source Call Querysave
     On Event Postmodechange From Source Call Postmodechange
End Sub

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Postopen:1:12
Sub Postopen(Source As Notesuidocument)
     Set ws = New NotesUIWorkSpace
     Set uidoc = source
     Call EmailOpen
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Querysave:1:12
Sub Querysave(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
     Call EmailSave(Continue)
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Queryclose:1:12
Sub Queryclose(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
     Call EmailClose(Continue)
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Postmodechange:1:12
Sub Postmodechange(Source As Notesuidocument)
     Call EmailModeChange
End Sub

********************<next section of text>********************

Try 4 different ways of removing the current sender from the new

Names1 compares the original names list with the canonical name plus the
domain name and if found replaces with a null - works

Names 2 compares just the common name of the current user plus the
against the result of Names 1 and replaces with null - appears to work

Names3 compares the canonical names against the Names 2 list and
with a null.

Names 4 compares the common name only - no domain and if found replaces
with null.  Also makes sure there are no duplicates or extra spaces

Append the InheritedFromDomain to all entries which are left and let the
@OptimizeMailAddress take care of duplicates.  This ensures that mail
route the way that the message came in which lessens the chance of
delivery failures...

Look for all addresses whose last domain is the same as the sender's
domain - tack on the whole FromDomain

Find all the addresses without a domain and attach FromDomain

Find everyone whose domain is the same as yours and strip it off

********************<next section of text>********************

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Options):0:66

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1
Declare Sub Click(Source As Button)

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:2

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:BindEvents:1:129
Private Sub BindEvents(Byval Objectname_ As String)
     Static Source As BUTTON
     Set Source = Bind(Objectname_)
     On Event Click From Source Call Click
End Sub

'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Click:1:12
Sub Click(Source As Button)
End Sub

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