Re: Chits in FT/DS/SG
From: Gerald McVicker <gmcvicke@w...>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 16:26:02 -0400
Subject: Re: Chits in FT/DS/SG
>As far a remembering to move units: I believe that as a tactician it is
>responsiblity of the commander to remember which unit he has moved.
If a
>commander forgets to move a piece then that piece must not be
>(My group likes realistic-ness the more believeble the future the
>the game). it is possible to get caught up in battle and forget to
>orders to units. In this case that unit would follow instincts. (i.e.
>take cover, return fire, dig in, ect.) The new Epic 40,000 does a good
>at showing this.
>In gaming it depends on the type of gaming that the players are into.
>the players want to play a believeble future then thats how it should
>if you don't want to forget pieces use chits.
>The people at GZG did a good job at a generic science fiction game.
I think the point was missed here. The chips arent used to record who
moved and who has not. They are there for informationl purposes. As
"believable", how is forgetting to move a unit more realistic? Even if
didn't give orders, it would be highly unlikely that soldiers wouldn't
the inititave and do something on their own. I can see it now..."Hey
Sarge! Those guys are moving across the open while the ones behind them
are shooting at us! Sarge:"Well, we can't shoot back and we can't pull
back, the @#$@# commander forgot to tell me what to do?!?!" As you can
see, it's plain silly to say a unit won't do something because they
told what to do. It is MORE realistic to not "forget" a move then to
forget one. I hate to do this...but I can't see where GW could do a
job at anything...sorry guys...I won't say anything more, but I didn't
bring up their products.'re right..GZG did do a good job.
Jerry McVicker
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