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Re: Atlanta-based Game Stores, Etc.

From: Alex Williams <thantos@d...>
Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 10:59:50 -0400
Subject: Re: Atlanta-based Game Stores, Etc.

On Fri, 30 May 1997, Mike Miserendino wrote:

> I am going to Atlanta for ComDex.  Could anyone recommend game stores
> check out - preferably in the downtown area.	I hope to find some
deals on
> spacecraft minis.  Thanks.

Probably the best place to check out in Deep Downtown would be The
Sword of the Phoenix; check the yellow pages for the nearest store in
mall nearest the hotel you stay in.  If you venture out of the
Perimeter to the north, there are a couple of good game stores up this
way.  The Nest (the full name escapes me at the moment, again, see the
yp) has an /extensive/ minis wall and fairly oft games going on in the
back.  Titan Games and Comics doesn't have quite as extensive
collection, but is worth checking out, nonetheless.

[  Alexander Williams {}  ]
[ Alexandrvs Vrai,  Prefect 8,000,000th Experimental Strike Legion ]
[	     BELLATORES INQVIETI --- Restless Warriors		   ]
		      "There are no innocents."

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