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Re: Star Grunts Point System

From: Alexander Williams <thantos@d...>
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 18:33:47 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Grunts Point System

Phil wrote:
>	  I'm sorry to bust on Jon (He did write these excellent games)
but I
> really think that we are paying him money to generate point systems
> enable us to judge relative differences betweeen forces.  This allows
> (the players) to do the fudging required to make a scenario work
> with an agreed upon basis for discussion.

YOU may be paying him so, but not not suppose to presume what *I* am
giving my hard earned dinar to Jon for.

I've invested in DSII and SGII for reasons entirely unrelated to the
absence of a point system in a negative sense; its absence actually
/encourages/ me to invest more, because I know I won't have to deal with
the munchkin min-maxers turning what should be an enjoyable game of
complex forces into an act of the accounting gods.  I give Jon money
because I think his system is /excellent/, smooth running and intuitive.
I do it because SGII doesn't look down its nose at my intelligence, it
presumes I have a brain-cell or two to rub together and don't need my
hand held for every little thing.

In short, I give Jon money because I find his games are for the
'thinking man', not the point-allocating power trippers, because I have
great fun playing his much deeper game, and I have no interest in
pandering to the lowest common denoiminators.

[  Alexander Williams {}  ]
[ Alexandrvs Vrai,  Prefect 8,000,000th Experimental Strike Legion ]
[	     BELLATORES INQVIETI --- Restless Warriors		   ]
		      "There are no innocents."

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