Star Grunts Point System
From: Phil <pepourne@n...>
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 17:18:00 -0400
Subject: Star Grunts Point System
I'm sorry to bust on Jon (He did write these excellent games)
but I
really think that we are paying him money to generate point systems that
enable us to judge relative differences betweeen forces. This allows us
(the players) to do the fudging required to make a scenario work
with an agreed upon basis for discussion.
I Do think that it is effective to buy units in DSII scale and
translate them into SGII. Militia use basic rifles, Line Infantry use
Advanced Assault Rifles and Powered Armor use Gauss Rifles. The rest of
weapons are purchased as if they were 1/2 the value of their parent.
example, the Plasma Weapon Man portable is a DFFG of 1/2 strength or a
of 1/2 is the auto cannon...
This also allows translation between levels of the game...
Phil Pournelle