Re: Star Grunt 2 : Whenit finaly comes together.
From: Darryl Adams <root@v...>
Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 12:14:33 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Grunt 2 : Whenit finaly comes together.
On Mon, 26 May 1997, Alex Williams wrote:
> BZZT, thank you for playing. A point system wouldn't have helped you
> form a more reasonable force balance. I don't know /what/ made you
> think that your friend would win, I'm impressed he made a partial draw
> of it. Of course, he should have had clearer mission objectives; if a
> recon in force had hit a recon unit that big (in SGII, more than a
> couple of vehicles is /big/), they would have withdrawn shooting, and
> fast.
It was a throw together game, with models we had available. I honestly
thought numerical suriority in people and vehicals would rule the day.
Technolagy and leadership had a big impact, but it was a close assult of
power armour against a support platoon that defined the engaagement.
> > 5. Weapons : The use of Heavy weapons as man portable weapons is not
> > clearly defined, and makes things like close assults against them
hard to
> > interprate (We desided that since I did not reach him in the firt
> > move, his free shot allowed it to be used, but it got confused in
> > actual close combat).
> Heavy Weapons cannot be used in close assault, as I recall. Side-arms
> and rifles, but not heavy support weapons.
What about the free attack?
"Oh sorry old chap, you can not use that RFAC/1 on a tripod. Not
you know"
Bzzt. Realism check.
> > 7. GMS Missiles against infantry is a good thing, better than heavy
> > weapons, especially if you have multable launchers
> As the rulebook says, GMS can't lock onto dispersed targets ... like
> squads of men.
What about geographic locations. The rules we saw stated that they could
be used, and are treated as normal combat, with impact the same as an
Darryl Adams
"The rich kid becomes a junkie,
The poor kid , advertising,
What a tragic waste of potential
Being a junkie is not great either"
TISM : "Greg the Stop Sign"