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From: Gerald McVicker <gmcvicke@w...>
Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 08:17:31 -0400
Subject: SGII

Can anyone tell me if a vehicle can overrun an infantry squad in
II?  We played a game a couple of nights ago. One of the players was
retreating a squad across open ground, the other player, during his
activation, wanted to combat move a tank and move through the squads
position.  I came to realize that the SGII rules didn't cover this
situation at all.  Part of the second players victory conditions were to
get his tanks and APC across the board, so I could understand why he
want to do this.  I handled it this way, I had the squad take a
test with the following threat level...Low 1 Med 2 High 3 and then I
labeled the squad "disorganized".  I made the squads player use an
activation to reorganize the squad before they could do anything else.
Perhaps I should have caused panic?  Perhaps they should have taken
casualties?  I'm not sure, since Jon seems to have missed this in the
rules.	Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Jerry McVicker

"Don't worry soldier, weapons will be available in a moment."

Blackwind and Raddix Gaming

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