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Re: Paint Schemes for Full Thrust

From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 03:57:47 -0400
Subject: Re: Paint Schemes for Full Thrust

>	 Are those the plastic ones, or am I thinking of something
>completely different? I like those, because they're interesting,
>and well-made. I have a Fed Tug on my desk at work that, while I'm
>not too thrilled by the paint job (I used Armory white for the hull,
>and it looks like crap), draws lots of interesting comments. ("My God,
>what's the Enterprise doing?!")
>Robert Crawford

AFAIK the plastic ones are almost certainly those made by Lou Zocchi for
the Star Fleet Battle Manual, yet another early ST rules set based on
same Franz Joseph technical manual as the SFB universe is based on. The
Zocchi plastics are still available from some sources (provbably
Zocchi/Gamescience themselves) and come in plain off-white,
glow-in-the-dark (!?!) and even transparent (for "cloaked"...) plastics.

Jon (GZG).

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