Re: Ramming and Suicide Attacks.
From: davisje@z... (Jonathan Davis)
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 07:48:58 -0400
Subject: Re: Ramming and Suicide Attacks.
> You might give a 'heroic' ship a bonus (say, +1?) to the ram attempt.
> says in the rules that some races (eg, Narns vs Centauri ;-) and/or
> certain specific scenarios MAY allow for an increased *chance*
> mine)- there's nothing in it about automatic ramming. You need to
> with two die rolls. And in the past year, I've only seen *2*
> ram attempts. And those were by lancer-sized Narns against a
> Centauri base! (I think 3 tried, 1 missed the attempt roll) Every
> ram attempt I've seen come down the line has missed. And I haven't
> all that many to begin with.
Two tried and two were successful. Remember this one, Robin? Adam
was in command of the Centauri base station, Brushari.
Ship Name: ZAHNAY
Ship Class: Narn Lancer - Destroyed
Commanded by:
Target #: 8
Location: 64.5,54.75
Velocity: 27
Heading: 1
Movement Plot: 0+4
Mass: 6
Thrust Rating: 8
Jump Engines: No
Damage Points: (3) -135
Internal Configuration/Status:
Sub-Munitions Pack (F) -
Sub-Munitions Pack (F) -
Sub-Munitions Pack (F) -
Fire Control
Thrust Engine
Damage Control
Damage Points Sustained:
138 pts from Brushari on Turn 6 due to ram
Ship Name: CHOTHU
Ship Class: Narn Lancer - Destroyed
Commanded by:
Target #: 10
Location: 64.25,55.25
Velocity: 28
Heading: 1
Movement Plot: 0+5
Mass: 6
Thrust Rating: 8
Jump Engines: No
Damage Points: (3) -66
Internal Configuration/Status:
Sub-Munitions Pack (F) -
Sub-Munitions Pack (F) -
Sub-Munitions Pack (F) -
Fire Control
Thrust Engine
Damage Control
Damage Points Sustained:
69 pts from Brushari on Turn 6 due to ram