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Mines in DS II/SG II

From: Desant@a...
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 06:33:55 -0400
Subject: Mines in DS II/SG II

>From what I've seen/been told by the folks at Geo-Hex, the mining rules
a bit simplistic to me.  Here's a way I came up with to spruce 'em up a
Using either a grided table mat or a pre- made "mine field" mat,
note which hexes/squares contain any mines.  When an enemy unit gets
with in
2" of said points, he gets to find out the hard way if that are is
mined.	If
I'm not mistaken, 4" diameter in 1/300 is about 100' real distance.  How
is a combat turn?  Regardless of length, unless breaching techniques
drastically in the near future, one turn seems a bit short to me.  Buut
again these are breaching teams, so maybe a single lane, one vehicle
could be laid directly over the offending mine counter (or any where in
4" circle), but the region it once covered would still be active. ("Hey,
this zone's cleared! [step, FOOM!] ARRGGHH, MY F@#$IN" LEG!")
Now, to model it:
First, using a metal straight edge, draw a grid (1", 1/2" or 1/4" on a
of green of brown felt, paper, whatever.  Mark along the top and side
like a
Battleship game set (you know, a-z and 1-whatever), try to be
 Before the game, secretely note where the actual mines are located. 
When a
unit rolls/hovers/walks over the pre-noted square, WHAMM!, one exploded
(depending on actual rules for the system you are using).  Add detail as
necessary.  For 25mm, various body parts, skeletons, maybe a fence post
a small red triangle sign marked with white letters "MINES", discarded
weapons and armor/helmets.  For micro armor, perhaps a burnt-out truck
jeep.  Weeds and deadish looking trees would add interest.  Use your
imagination for any thing else.  An alternative (and harder) would be to
a piece of illustration board, flock with sand/gravel, paint to proper
draw the grid with a permanent marker or fine tipped paint pen.
Have fun killing each other,
Keeping kids out of the real mine fields in Sniper's Alley,

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