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Re: Capital vs. others Debate

From: "johnjmedway" <jjm@z...>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 16:10:46 -0500
Subject: Re: Capital vs. others Debate

On Apr 2, 14:37, If it's tourist season why can't we shoot them? wrote:
> Subject: Re: Capital vs. others Debate
> >@:) > For each device, the screened protection may be extended an
> >@:) > additional 3" from the projecting ship.
> >
> >@:) According to some common opinions of the scale of FT, that's
> >@:) something like 3000 kilometers of extended radius! You could land
> >@:) your ship on Pluto and protect the entire surface! Or, with just
> >@:) bit more range, and you could bury it in the middle of Mars and
> >@:) protect the entire planet.
> >
> >  Cool.  Let's do it.
> >
> >  Of course you'll have to find a miniature of Mars.  Let's see... at
> >1/2400 scale that'd be....
> 111,204.2 inches.
> Give or take.
> ;-)

Whereas the usual miniature for a planet is a 10" ball from Toys'R'Us.
Just a
bit of incoherence in the "ground" scale and the scale of the minis (not
all minis games don't share that problem to some extent).

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