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Missile Balance [for Jon]

From: James Butler <JAMESBUTLER@w...>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 14:29:20 -0500
Subject: Missile Balance [for Jon]

	Hi Jon,

	I just wanted to ask you straight up if you felt the missiles
More Thrust were unbalanced (as I feel and I think a lot of other people
and what you thought about doing something about it.



	      /|[|]|\	_______  __	//    //
      _ _   /==|[|]|==\(_______)/  \__[__]__[__]__MMMMMMMMMM\
     [_|_|\%%===[|]====(_______)|  |===================HHHHHH\
     [_|_| %%===[|]====(_______)|  |=X=X=X==X=X=X======HHHHHHH]
     [_|_| %%==========(_______)\__/ }C=K@	  WWWWWWWWWW/
      Main    Bridge/	   Fuel/      Weapons/	   Scanners/
      Drive   Quarters	Jump Drive  Ship's Boats Spinal Mount

	Battlecruiser INTREPID, CORMORANT-class
	Captain James L. Butler III, Commanding

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