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Re: Jerks in Full Thrust

From: John Fox <john_fox@c...>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 11:54:19 -0500
Subject: Re: Jerks in Full Thrust

Regarding Jerks to play with (without)

There are several things that can be done concerning having jerks who 
want to play.

1) Do not invite them back (this has the disdavantage of having to put
with them for at least one night).  However after they have been weeded
your group can play alot better.  If they ask why they were not invited
say something like "The group (or we/I) did not find your style of
to be compatable with the rest of the group."	If they still object say

something nice but remain firm about them playing (NOT) with you again. 

2) About the guy not teaching his son
   If he did not teach his son how to play then I think you do not have
(unless you want to teach him). If he is constantly asking questions, 
answer the question (Once only).  If he keeps asking it again and again
is obvious he is not listening.  In that case just say "I already told
that." Then let the ships die (explode) as the dice indicate.

3) The kid makes too much noise.  Ask him to stop.  If he is at your
or a friends, then he should obey.  If he does not obey (usually afer
two or 
three times of asking) tell him to either be quite or leave.  If it is
a gaming hall (conference room etc) there is nothing you can do but ask
dad to quite him down.	If this does not work your only recourse is #1.

4) About the broken ship stands.  Tell the Dad that the kid or him owes
the cost of repairing the stands.  If the father objects say (politely)
the next time the kid reaches for one of your figure you will take a
ruler and
bust it over his knuckles if the kid does not obey him with the
Believe me that will get the fathers attention.

In all this the first thing is to be polite and not raise your voice. 
only aggrivates the situation.. Be nice but firm.  Kids crave attention.
you tell him to do something and he does not, ignore him.  He will
either get
the message or throw a tantrum.  Again the best thing to do is ignore
the kid
or ask the father to take the kid and leave.  It is unfortunate that
who want to enjoy the game have to put up with jerks but after getting
of them the game is that more enjoyable.

PS.  It is not only in FT that the problem exists.  I have seen it is
Warhammer, Vampire, Star Trek, Scuba diving, R/C warships and various
games/hobbis (and at work)

Fohn Fox

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