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RE: Capital Ships in Campeign Games

From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 09:23:29 -0500
Subject: RE: Capital Ships in Campeign Games

Eric Fialkowski writes:

@:)    In one off games, there isn't that extra level to contend with.
@:) Therefore you can play a suicidal as you want.  I always try to
@:) make scenarios were you can eliminate all of the opposing forces,
@:) have one ship left, and guess what?  You still lost.  OK, so did
@:) the other guy.  Try assigning points for damage done, ships
@:) destroyed, etc.  If you come up with a good points spread (I
@:) haven't quite done it yet so don't ask me for mine) your games
@:) will be more interesting.

  This is difficult.  I have recently been playing SFB (duck again)
and they have their standard high-quality but complex solution to this
problem.  The gist of it is this: you get percentages of your
opponent's points total for doing various things.  100% (of the ship's
value) for destroying a ship, 50% for crippling it, 10% for forcing it
to disengage.  Scenarios sometimes have special victory conditions but
these are always in effect.  So if I come in with a 100 point ship and
cook your 50 point ship but you cause some major damage to me, it's a
draw.  The victory types go in 10% brackets, I think, with names like
draw, minor victory/loss, tactical victory/loss, major victory/loss,
etc.  So if your little ship cripples my big one and forces me to run
away but is destroyed in the process (I have no idea if this is
possible) I get 50 pts for your ship, you get 60 for the damage you
did and for running me off and you've just won yourself a battle.

  I think a system like this would work fine for FT but right now I
don't think the points system is accurate enough.  Sounds like in
FTIII the ship cost system will be worked out a little better.


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