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Re: Micro Machines

From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 12:36:21 -0500
Subject: Re: Micro Machines

Mike J. Murtha wrote:
>I have been searching every Toys R Us and Kay Bee Toy for packs five
and six
>and no one here in New Jersey (USA) has them. I even kept a few
>packs of the older series for trade purposes but to no avail. If anyone
>the US knows a location to get B5 packs 5 and 6 I'm very interested. 

A friend just picked up a couple of sets for me from WalMart.  I've been
looking for a while as well and the only MM stuff around is usually SW
ST.  However, I just recently found some collector sets of the Alien
but they only had the fold out scene type with maybe one ship.	I was
to get all the Alien ships a while back when a local store ordered
copies of each.

Mike Miserendino

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