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Re: Micro Machines

From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 12:33:03 -0500
Subject: Re: Micro Machines

Mike J. Murtha wrote:
>Death) and top it off with a GZG fleet (six of my NAC ships. I find
that the
>micromachines help bring players over to the demo table and them you
have a
>chance to tell them about the game and get them playing.
>It also lets you show them how "generic" GZG are which can be a big

Yep.  There is also a reduced risk of damage to your minis.  Every time
run demos with my metal minis, at least one or two usually suffer damage
from accidents.

Mike Miserendino

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