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Re: Micro Machines

From: "johnjmedway" <jjm@z...>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 13:02:59 -0500
Subject: Re: Micro Machines

On Mar 24,  9:13, Ground Zero Games wrote:
> Subject: Re: Micro Machines
> No-one pretend the MM stuff is as good as metal gaming models - they
> after all, injection-moulded kids' toys. However, they are relatively

And at about $1.75 a piece, I can deal with some questionable paint
jobs. (Some
are admittedly really shitty, and the yellow StarGazer is a laugh! But
the rest
are serviceable.)

> (at least in the UK and USA), tough (you can sling a whole load in a
box to

Hell, I even put 'em in a _bag_ half the time. Can't do that with metal

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