Re: Bigger--not always better
From: Samuel Penn <sam@b...>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 07:00:59 -0500
Subject: Re: Bigger--not always better
In message <> Paul wrote:
> In my continuing quest to degrade the potency of cap ships I wonder if
> anyone has tried any of the following modifications to the rules and,
> so, how did they go?
> 1) Allow A Bats to only fire every OTHER turn.
> 2) Give a -1 to all to hit roles from A bats on cruiser class ships
> -2 on escort class ships.
> 3) Give a -1 to all hit roles from B bats on escort class ships.
Am I the only one who doesn't have a hatred of A batteries?
No offence Paul (and I've heard similar suggestions before,
so this is directed towards others as well), but the above
seems totally stupid, useful only in making beam weapons
utterely useless.
The entire point of beam weapons (in FT), is that they are
useful against unshielded and unarmoured ships - normally
escorts and cruisers. A batteries are useless against any
ship with 3 levels of protection - eg most capital ships.
And yet, people also want to reduce their effectiveness
against escorts and cruisers. Why?
As they stand, beam weapons are principally anti-escort
weapons. Pulse torpedoes are much better against capital
ships. A batteries are slightly overpowered relative to
B and C batteries, but I think this is more due to the B
and C batteries being too weak, rather than A batteries
being too powerful.
> 4) Allow Pulse Torps to only fire every other (or third) turn.
> 5) Nova Cannons can only fire every third turn (still use the regular
> charging rules).
Making both weapons useless. Nova cannons are difficult enough
to aim as it is (waveguns are far more effective). Would you also
give railguns and waveguns these limitations?
Using the above rules, I'd stick to railguns, sub-packs,
missiles, waveguns and fighters.
> I think these mods put the weapons in a bit better perspective
> vis-=E0-vis their intended (designed for) targets.
I think we disagree on what weapons are suited to what purposes.
Beam batteries aren't very effective against capital ships, but
are very effective against escorts, which, to my mind, suggests
that their intended targets are escorts.
Pulse torpedoes do (on average), less damage against escorts
than equivalent mass of A batteries, but far more damage against
capital ships. This suggests pulse torpedoes are designed to be
used against capital ships.
Be seeing you, ARM not Intel.
Sam. Acorn not Microsoft.