Re: B5 and Sir Isaac
From: "Out of my mind. Back in five minutes." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 10:19:44 -0500
Subject: Re: B5 and Sir Isaac
>> Sorry, clarification: I was referring to the doubletalk polysylabic
>> strung together.
>Oh, I knew what you were referencing, I was wondering if I was
>inferring correctly what you were implying...
Okay. I wouldn't want you to infer an implication that was implied for
inference when the implying was to be inferred otherwise.
>> Okay, it's a fine line 'tween the two. I put B5 in the category of
>> Fiction. I put a lot of stuff more fantastic like what Star Trek has
>> (esp the more recent movies) into Science Fantasy.
>Star Trek is *more* fantastic?... than a titanic battle between
>good and evil?... in which our protagonists are destined to play
>major roles, lead great alliances in war, defeat evil, rule
>decaying empires, fulfill prophesies, die heroically in garish CGI?
Well...Star Trek has met God...and they keep coming up with this damned
reset button that I simply cannot find *any*where in real life! (a few
people I'd like to use it on, too ;)
>And I asked if *I* was weird. Sheesh.
o/ .. .
/@ . . If you insist on reaching for a
<|\ . ) star, be prepared to take a long,
| /\ hard fall.
| //
/ o //* Indy - climber, astronomer,
/ <%- /|\ supreme. Have rope, will travel.
/ /\ / | \